On January 14, 2025, the town of Babati in the Manyara Region witnessed the launch of the Renewable Energy for Sustainable Transformation of the Rural Economy (RESTORE) Project. The event, held at the Manyara White Rose Hotel, brought together government officials, community leaders, and key stakeholders to celebrate an initiative aimed at improving the livelihoods of rural Tanzanians through innovative renewable energy solutions.
Transforming Lives Through Renewable Energy
Funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and ADRA Germany, the RESTORE Project is implemented by KAKUTE Projects in partnership with Maasai Stove, a local partner. The project is focused on addressing energy poverty in the Babati and Monduli districts by introducing sustainable and energy-efficient solutions.
Key Delivarables of the Project
- Energy-Efficient Technologies: 320 households will receive energy-efficient cookstoves and solar home systems, reducing energy costs by up to 50%.
- Women’s Empowerment: 16 Community Banks (VICOBAs) will provide start-up funding to support women entrepreneurs.
- Workforce Development: Training for 80 women and 48 youth in cookstove production and solar technology will foster a skilled workforce.
- Entrepreneurial Growth: 8 businesses and 5 start-ups will gain valuable insights into energy-efficient technologies and business management.
- Environmental Sustainability: LPG cookers will be demonstrated in 2 schools, combating deforestation, while 2,200 tree seedlings will be distributed to targeted schools.
Promoting Entrepreneurship and Sustainability
The RESTORE Project places a strong emphasis on empowering women and youth through training programs in stove production and renewable energy technologies. These initiatives will create income-generating opportunities, encourage sustainable practices, and enhance the economic resilience of local communities.
Speaking at the launch, a KAKUTE Projects coordinator highlighted the project’s broader mission to deliver long-term social, economic, and environmental benefits. By reducing reliance on traditional energy sources like firewood and kerosene, the project seeks to improve both living standards and environmental sustainability.
Community Involvement at the Core
A panel discussion during the launch featured local entrepreneurs, technology suppliers, and community leaders. They shared insights into the opportunities and challenges of adopting renewable energy technologies, emphasizing the importance of community involvement at every stage. To ensure solutions are tailored to local needs, the RESTORE Project will conduct market research at the ward level and hold awareness meetings in selected villages to inform residents and identify beneficiaries.
A Step toward a Sustainable Future
The RESTORE Project, with funding from BMZ and support from ADRA Germany and Maasai Stove, represents a significant milestone in Tanzania’s journey toward sustainable development. It aims to enhance living standards, create economic opportunities, and foster resilience in rural communities through clean, renewable energy solutions.
For more updates on the RESTORE Project and other initiatives by KAKUTE Projects, reach out to us or visit our office in Arusha.