KAKUTE Projects hosted a three days training in Dodoma city to the beneficiaries of egg incubators, which brought together, end user champions of egg incubators, end user who tested the technology and have challenges, local fabricators, Local government authority, egg incubator suppliers and Solar technology solutions suppliers.
KAKUTE recognize the vital role played by poultry farming in both rural and urban areas in terms of food security, source of income, manure and in a meeting of other social obligations for example ritual. There is huge potential for the growth of poultry farming by considering factors such as availability of lands, high demand of eggs, high demand of chicken meet, as well as high demand for chicks among poultry farmers.
In order to meet these high demand of poultry meet, high demand of eggs, and high demand of chicks/breeds, hatcheries need to maximize chicks’ production. Therefore, hatcheries need to achieve high production efficiency in a sustainable manner, by maximizing the hatchability of healthy chicks with high rate of survive. In achieving these hatcheries need to adopt artificial incubation methods which is more efficiency with huge output in comparing with the natural incubation method.
Despite of the fact that poultry farming is very potential in earning livelihood, there are many challenges associated with artificial incubation method, which faced end users of egg incubators. Lack of reliable source of energy, lack of friendly user manual among local fabricators, inadequate knowledge on how to use egg incubators and egg selection.
KAKUTE remains gratefully to DOEN Foundation, a Donor of our project “Developing Grassroots Energy Innovations for Productive use and Wellbeing in Rural Tanzania” which focus on the regions of Iringa, Morogoro and Dodoma.
Our partners SELCO foundation, SAGCOT, and LGA, for their tiredness cooperation’s in implementing this project. We also extend our appreciation to all participants who attended the training for their valuable contributions in exchange of experience and knowledge during the all days of training.