Brighter Futures with Solar Innovation

Harnessing the Power of the Sun for Progress

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BDS Program

Our Programs are designed to support communities establish and improve their economic activities through market and value chain development approach model that focuses on selecting and developing projects that are more advanced and relevant at the required time and standard. We facilitate the development and application of innovative approaches to diversify and improve technology transfer and information to small scale entrepreneurs and rural communities who seek to introduce new products or to employ new manufacturing techniques for sustainable development.

“Incubated companies are far more likely to survive than those that go it alone.”

The platform within KAKUTE provides a package of support which is tailored to the entrepreneur, your business sector and your stage of growth. Businesses we can support are typically our SMEs population, mainly from Business, technology and the Creative innovation subjects. We are now pleased to say our offer has been extended to the startup community in Northern Tanzania requiring a space for their businesses.

The KAKUTE Projects team undertakes small and large consultancy assignments, leveraging on the professional expertise, experiences and lessons learnt from its network members. We undertake pilot projects and conduct market research to test and inform its interventions, and those of its clients. KAKUTE implements activities aimed at facilitating market improvement by increasing demand and/or improving supply. In summary the key facilitation areas:

Advocacy and Lobbying

  • Linking interest of investors to government and government to investors.

  • Addressing the interests between government and investors

  • Advocate for the key challenge for business investors and development of mitigation measures.

  • Facilitate and negotiate measures to create good relationship and conducive environment for business in Tanzania.

Market Access

  • Creating customers buying readiness assessment and preparation,

  • Market analysis, market information, developing marketing strategies, identifying market niches,

  • Development market linkages and identifying/ establishing new markets,

  • Organizing and implementing trade fairs and product exhibitions,

  • Product and sample development and packaging and advertising.

Input Supply Chain

  1. Linking MSMEs to raw materials and production suppliers,

  2. Improving suppliers’ capacity to provide regular supply of quality inputs,

  3. Facilitates the establishment of bulk buying groups and providing information on inputs supply sources.

Training & Technical Assistance

  • Mentoring, identification of economic opportunities, feasibility studies and business plans,

  • Management training, operational audits and impact assessments,

  • Counseling and advisory services,

  • Developing sustainable training and technical assistance products, and fostering links between service providers and enterprises.

Our Prizes Collection

It is a collection of various prizes that we have been given as part of recognizing our success and victory in serving our communities

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